Daily Picture Theme
The Daily Picture Theme is "The Big Photo Album of Our Community” on Spoutible, a social media site. Everyday a different theme is posted and folks post matching photos withe hashtag #DailyPictureTheme. I repost my contributions on my website My Strange Life. Enjoy.
The theme of the day for January 14, 2025 is #Canal. I’ve been to the Panama Canal when I was in the Navy in 1971. You would think I would have taken a photo or two but alas, I have nothing. What I do have is a photo of a lock in China which I saw in 1986. Most canals have a lock system, so this must suffice for this theme. It is a lock, not a canal.
On This Day - January 14th
A photo taken on the 14th day of January 2018. Lunch with the family at Pigtale in Nashua, NH. What is fun about this photo is that it looks somewhat like a painting. I must have overprocessed it in Lightroom.
Blue Jays don’t share
I have set up a Trail Camera near a platform feeder in the backyard. I get regular visits from crows which are very polite and take turns eating. This is not true for the Jays. They are bullies.
Thank you John/photojournalist